Easily import articles you would like to comment
Copy / paste article's url under ukoment.com, or simply add ukoment.com/ in the beginning of the url while you're on the article's page
Highlight and comment specific parts of articles as you’re reading
Select the text that catches your attention and choose to highlight, comment or share right away!
Type your thoughts in a bubble right next to the text you highlighted.
Share them with friends, classmates or colleagues, they will see them in context and react by adding their own comments.

Redefining article sharing in the workplace
Reading full articles at the workplace takes time and articles sent to colleagues often end up as “to do later”.
uKoment organizes article sharing in the workplace and makes it much more efficient :
Colleagues are guided to what’s worth their reading time and they focus on what’s important
With uKoment groups, articles related to a project are centralized in one place so that you easily retrieve them later, in all confidentiality

Because you have a work life and a social life
uKoment has two separate universes, so that you keep your social and work interactions separate. You can shift between both using a simple switch.
Start a discussion on the latest basketball game in social universe, shift to work and share thoughts on the latest oil crisis!
You can also have a different profile picture and different friends in each universe.